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Visit First Church

First Church of Monson is an active and historic Protestant church, located up the hill from Monson Center. Founded in 1762, First Church has been a light to the Monson community. Our church is old, but our thinking is not.  We look forward to greeting you and welcoming you into our midst.


  • For directions and a map to The First Church of Monson, click here.


  • The handicap parking lot is on the corner of High Street and Fountain Street. The easiest access to the church is through the High Street door, which is equipped with a wheelchair ramp.  The regular parking lot is located across from the Church on High Street.


  • First Church tries to be accessible to all. Large print bulletins, hearing assistive devices, a wheelchair ramp and accessible restrooms are all available to anyone who needs them.


  • Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Some members get more dressed up, some less.


  • Children are always welcome at all our services. We feel our worship is enhanced by their joyful sounds and participation. Church school and nursery care are provided from September-June. Children’s programming happens downstairs. We begin with everyone at worship, and the kids are dismissed to their classes after the children’s message. Click here to visit the children's ministry page. 


  • Everyone is invited to breakfast before church on the third Sunday of each month from September-June. Breakfast is served at 8:30. Click here to learn more. 


  • Sunday worship happens at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, located on the main level of the church.


  • The order of worship includes instrumental music, a time for welcome and community announcements, and the opportunity to greet each other during the passing of the peace.


  • During prayer time and the Lord’s Prayer we invite God into our midst. The congregation has the opportunity to raise prayers of joy or concern during the prayers of the people.


  • Part of the worship experience is hearing the Word. Pastor Holly’s sermons are based on scripture and reflect on how we as a church might live today.


  • The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month.  All are welcome to partake of the Lord's Supper.  It is up to parents to decide whether their children are ready to receive this Sacrament.


  • During the service, Kiel, our Music Director, our choir, soloists and other ensembles offer special sacred music. The church choir sings on most Sundays, except in the summer. You will hear our historic Wm. Johnson & Son Opus 781 (1892) pipe organ, and you will also hear music from other instruments as well. The congregation has a long history of excellent music in worship which continues today.


  • Pastor Holly is available to greet you at the front of the church at the end of the service


  • Following the Sunday service, everyone is invited to a time of fellowship. Just follow the crowd at the front of the church.

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